Monday, March 5, 2007

Welcome to Our Blog

Taking Meg and Tom's lead, I've decided to write a blog to keep friends and family updated on life in the Leech household. This is primarily intended to keep everyone updated on my last semester of school, our trip to North Carolina, and the eventual move to North Carolina. I don't know how regularly I will post to this, and I may just scrap the idea altogether, but I'll try to do it at least a couple of times a week.

Here is where we stand right now. Lauren is on the coast visiting her folks for a few days. She lucked out and ended up with two days off in a row, so she took the opportunity and left this morning. I am alone for a few days, but I will be busy preparing for the MPRE this weekend and for my interview next week. At the same time I've got to be doing some work for Moot Court Board, as well as trying to spend some time finishing up my research for a professor. It will be a hectic two weeks, but I will have much less to do after Spring Break.

We will be leaving for Charlotte on Sunday, and then for Raleigh on Wednesday, then back to Oxford the following Saturday. I'm not sure if I'll be taking my computer, but if I do, I'll probably post during the trip as well.

Since this is the first post, I'll keep it brief (for me).