Lauren and I finally moved in to the house a couple of weeks ago. Our friends Richard and Kerry helped us move in, and we couldn't have done it without them. Well, we could have, but it would have involved a large outlay of money to a moving company, because we had a ton of stuff. Connor's still adjusting to his new surroundings, but he's starting to get used to it. He loves that he has his own yard to play in, too, even though we don't have a fence yet, so he's still on a leash.
On top of that, the next weekend my friend Chris Osborn came in to town to visit Lauren and me, and we put him to work priming our kitchen and installing our cabinets. He enjoyed helping us out, even though we still feel bad about getting him to help. Fortunately, he knew what he was doing, so the cabinets look great. And then this past weekend, Lauren and I installed the countertop. After we get back, we'll install the sink. We didn't want to install it before coming home for Thanksgiving (we're in Jackson right now), because if it leaked, we might have a giant moldy mess when we got back.
Below are pictures of the drywall I had to install after ripping out the mold-infested part, and then the new cabinets. The purple-ness of the wall was unintentional, as that is the color of the mold and moisture resistant drywall at Home Depot.

We both feel very blessed to have such great friends who are willing to help us out.
Lauren is still loving her job, and it looks like the company's going to do pretty well, even in the current economy. We'd appreciate prayers on that as well, because my project ended this past Tuesday, and I'm waiting for something to open up on another project or at a law firm. I'm not anticipating much opening up on either front until after the first of the year, though. Still, that will give me an opportunity to work around the house, paint, and clean up the yard before the Bullards come to visit us for Christmas.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone from Lauren and Clayton!