So first things first, Lauren got her hair cut and colored. I knew shew as getting something done, but I didn't think she'd change it this much. Fortunately, it looks GREAT!

On to home repair. I finally was able to repair our master bathroom shower, with the help of Lauren's dad. We had to go to a shop in the middle of a bad part of town, in the back of a building, underneath a "performance" auto shop. It was an interesting store, and they seemed to have everything. The shower doesn't leak now, though there are other things that need repair later on.

As for the painting, we finally finished the painting of the hall bathroom. It is the same color as the half-bath downstairs, but its bigger, so the color looks better, I think. We still need to replace the tile on the floor, but the bathroom looks so much better than it used to.

We also painted both the front hallway and the hall/stairway that goes up to the top floor. We went with a beige color called "Toasted Cashew" which looked a little pink to me at first, but after painting the stairs, it looks more beige.