I didn't really lie in the last post about not doing anything to the house in the next couple of months, plans just changed. So last week, Lauren and I decided that it might be a good time to try to replace the cracked tiles in our master bathroom (started with the smaller and less visible one so it would be easier and mistakes wouldn't be as obvious to visitors). Last Saturday, we stripped out the tile:

Patched the holes in the tile, especially the part behind the door, which had been the main source of cracking in the tile:

Removed the toilet, which we then stored in our shower:

And finally removed the cracked marble threshhold:

Then once the floor had dried (which took several days because of the thickness of the mortar we had to add, even with our fan we bought for our mold/cabinet project on all day and night) we cut a piece of plastic sheeting in the shape of our floor and cut out a piece of vinyl from Home Depot in a slightly larger piece. We trimmed it once we had laid it in the bathroom, and then attached it to the floor with special tape made for that type of flooring. Then we added some baseboards/moulding and replaced the old, gross A/C vent:

Then, we started to reinstall the toilet after I'd painstakingly cleaned it since it was taken apart for the first time in years. Turns out it had a crack, so we got another from Home Depot that was cheap and much smaller, which is a good thing because that bathroom is
tiny. But, once we got it home we found out that the base was broken, so we had to take that back and get it replaced. When we installed it, we discovered that we needed to not only level it out with some shims, but because of the gap between the bottom of the toilet and the vinyl, we need to put wood under each side to stabilize the toilet as well. It is working great, so for now it appears we did it correctly:

Then, we replaced the threshhold with a wooden one from Home Depot, which I had to cut to fit around the door frame, as well as prime and paint before installing:

So we then celebrated by going to a concert last night. The concert was headlined by No Doubt, which is touring again after years of doing their own projects. Before them was a band called Paramore, and another band called The Sounds, which I'd never heard of but I've heard a song of theirs on a commercial. We had a lot of fun until the very end of the night when I started to get a major migraine from a combination of the lights shining in my eyes constantly and the incessant smoking of the people around us. It was at an outdoor venue, so there wasn't any way to prevent people from doing that, unfortunately. Here's us before my head starting killing me:

We ended up leaving during a song, and thought we'd left early, but we got to hear the end of the song as we walked to our car, and then the show was over, so we beat the rush and we got to hear the entire concert, which was perfect timing.
As for work, the project that might have started several weeks ago ended up fizzling, which is ok because I got put on another project for the company I'd work with and been cut from the project, except this time I was brought in from the beginning and it was expanded, so I'm on the short list now and worked all last week, even though half the team was asked to stay home the last few days. The company is going to be expanding their presence here, and are actually looking to hire a few people on a permanent basis, so I'm going to do some asking about that. Two of my friends got hired by firms recently, too, so hopefully things are turning around.